Summer Kisses and Boy Bands: A Book Review

When Val Hartman meets her boy-band crush, Zac Miller, while wearing a stained shirt and bagging his groceries, she does the exact thing she never wanted to do–splattered him with tomato guts–in Summer Kisses and Boy Bands. book three in the Honeyville High Romance series by Kimberly King.
My Thoughts on Summer Kisses and Boy Bands
Boy bands. Cute, flirty, with swoon-worthy voices that make the heart of every teenage girl thump along with the beat. We’ve all been there. Even if we say we haven’t been. Right? Val Hartman isn’t any different. She and her best friend are more than willing to swoon together…after all, rock stars play more than guitars and drums; they play with girls’ hearts too. At least that’s what Val’s best friend says.
King does such a great job at creating her characters in Summer Kisses and Boy Bands. Their personalities shine through with lots of humor and fun. The descriptions of sweaty palms and thumping hearts, and well, all those wonderfully gross feelings that we still want to feel in our romantic lives, reminded me of all the times I wasn’t sure what to think or do while dating. And I never dated a celebrity. I enjoyed seeing the parts that Val’s parents played in this book as well. Their love for their daughter came through so well, and they still had those moments when wisdom aged them some–as it should.
There is a fair amount of teen drama in this book, just as any reader would expect. About the time I got tired of it was about the time that it receded. So it was perfectly done, and I have no complaints. Oh, and I laughed. There was plenty of laughter going on. I may have awakened my husband a couple of times with my late-night giggles.
Summer Kisses and Boy Bands is the perfect romance for teens, be it as their next read or a gift, but older, women who love a good teen romance should pick it up too. It does not disappoint.
The Official Blurb
Val Hartman can hardly believe it when dreamy Zac Miller, lead singer of the Spud Rockets, is in town for the summer. Even more shocking is when they hit it off and he asks her out. But dating a rockstar has its own set of rules, and she’ll have to follow them to stay in the game.
It doesn’t take long to discover that nothing is fair when dating a celebrity, and when a secret is exposed, all that they’ve built falls apart. Add in a troubling phone call that takes Val out of town in a hurry, and everything important in her life is about to be lost for good.
The only way to make things right again will have to be something huge, but it will be the last thing Val ever expects.
More Info
Purchase your copy of Summer Kisses and Boy Bands on Amazon.
Follow Kimberly King on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
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